January 20, 2009

WeLcoMe to "The World of Pianists!! >.<

Hello everyone! Welcome to The WoRLd oF PiaNisTs! >.< My name is Yo Han Kim, also known as John. I made this blog for the people who want to learn about piano and love playing the piano. I think playing piano is a great thing to do because you can participate piano contests and also it is fun! You can play for your boyfriend or girlfriend. :) BUT!! You have to remember this: If you start piano, it's not going to take like one month or one year to play well. You have to practice at least more than three years becuase you need the basics and skills. This is my 11th year practicing piano, but I'm still not good. I want you guys to enjoy this blog and advice is welcome. If you want to ask something, please write a comment!


Suzy Leonard said...

Yo Han, You ARE good at piano!!!! Maybe not known for your skills around the world just yet, but actually you are already known in South Korea, in Guatemala, and in the United States!
-Ms. Lenny

Sherry L. de Alvarez said...

Yo Han Kim! Is what Ms. Lenny says true? I didn't know you were famous!! Tell me more, please!

Yo Han Kim said...

um... :) Thank you~ but I'm not good as other people... YET! (It means I might be better than them!)
I'm still practicing from my mom, so getting better and better.
I will do my best.
And Ms. Lenny~!! Welcome here~

Do Yo. said...

Wow!!! Yo Han me too I saw you playing the piano at spiritual day and you play very cool!!! I hope you get better at playing piano and be the best piano player in the world...

Do Yo. said...

Wow!!! Yo Han me too I saw you playing the piano at spiritual day and you play very cool!!! I hope you get better at playing piano and be the best piano player in the world...

eli said...

Yes Yo Han... I think you will be famous because of your piano skills. :)
And maybe also because of your math skills, right Mr. Calculator?

Yo Han Kim said...

I want to be neither the best pianist nor a pianist... I'm just playing it for fun :)
But I will do my best on piano until I can...
My math skills... it would not take longer because last year, I knew the things we learned. Right now, I'm learning new things... But still I will do my BEST!!
Thank you for encouraging me, guys
I love yOu~!